Monday, August 27, 2012

From their joint birthday party

In my continuing effort to catch you up, here are some photos of the boys having fun in our nearby playground.  The duck pond is next door.

Arram is excellent at climbing this blue thing.

And Amiri knows how to get up high.

Arram goes down the slide...

 and back up!

And Amiri is super speedy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Open Day

The Community Centre down the street had an open day so we went.  There was a free BBQ, an ice cream truck, cooking demonstrations, dancing and exercise class demonstrations, and lots of nice fun.

But the things that mattered were the bouncy castle, and the face painting!

And this came after a wasp sting on his poor sweet cheek!  He recovered well.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How we've entertained ourselves

I needed a little break to catch my breath.  So, what were we doing while I reoxygenated?  Well, for instance, we...

...took in the sights...

 ...stopped to smell the flowers...

...made honey bees...

...smacked houseflies so enthusiastically that we killed the swatters...

...visited a macadamia nut farm...

...went spelunking...

...and of course had lots of fun!