Friday, October 30, 2009


I went out to the Auckland Domain today, maybe one km from our house.  I've been craving some nature, and the Domain is a really big park.  It's situated on an ancient volcanic cone (not that I could tell by looking; I learned this by reading the sign at the gate).  The highest hill is the site of a pa, a Maori battle stronghold, called 'the hill of bitter memories', where a grudging peace with the colonists was forged after the musket wars.

It was so green and beautiful.  Perfect weather, huge mature trees, a surprise over every hill.  I laid down in the grass for a while and watched the clouds.  I haven't done that in a long time.  It was silent except for the wind and the occasional distant truck.  Birds chirped and an unidentified critter scuttled past in the dry leaves.  A jogger ran by, barefoot.  Down in the valley was a fountain, lined with stones where a white-headed duck preened herself next to a nest full of gray fluffy babies.  Two large formal greenhouses housed tropical and cold-weather plants in stunning profusion. 

I breathed deeply and felt good.  It was a chance to just Be Here.

I wish I hadn't forgotten to bring my camera.   So I'm placing this here to make myself remember to bring it next time and update you with plenty of pretties.


Auntie Kathie said...

Sounds wonderful! Love how you write! looking forward to some great pix!

Jeanne said...

Thanks for describing things so well. I feel like I am there with you. Love you, Mom XO

kmpolacek said...

Good for you, Allie. I think the Domain liked having you on top of it... er, I mean going down on its grass... er, I mean communing with it.