Friday, November 05, 2010

Holiday celebrations

You may have noticed that I didn't make a Halloween post last week.   Lest you think that I am holding out on you with regard to cute costumed children, I'm not.  We didn't dress them up because Halloween is really not a holiday that's celebrated here.  Oh, sure, here and there you'll see some sad chintzy costumes lined up at the Warehouse or something, but there are basically no decorations, no organised dress-up events, and no trick or treating.   Kiwis don't have anything against Halloween; they just don't do it.

What they DO do is Guy Fawke's Night.  That is tonight.    There are fireworks, both a large professional display in the Harbour as well as people all over town lighting up small ones in their backyards and from their roofs.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I've heard so much about Guy Fawkes! I'd love to see the celebrations. Sounds like a great holiday, lots of fun. I heard that they burn poor Guy in effigy too. Kinda grisly, that, but Halloween can be a bit grisly, too. The effigy burning could be considered cathartic and cleansing too, I guess!