Wednesday, December 08, 2010

For one, Costco kinda blew my mind

I'm really enjoying my time in the US.  After having been away for a year, I'm realising that there are a few things I'd forgotten about.

--How CHEAP things are.  I just meandered around in a CVS for like an hour, grinning like an idiot and trying to restrain myself from buying everything on the shelves.  That fluid for my contact lenses?  Half price here.  Drugstore-brand makeup?  One-fifth of what you can get it for in NZ.  Yesterday I bought a container of 300 Tylenol for what I'd pay for a 30-pack.  (Yes, we have a suitcase that's just for Bringing Back Some Deals.)

--Putting a full sink of dishes into the dishwasher and having plenty of room left over for the pots and pans.  What, the world doesn't subsist with Dishdrawers?

--Snow.  Awesome.  Happy child photos to follow.

--I totally ate some Taco Bell.  It tasted good-not-great, and I got a little grossed out with myself and a little sick.  Probably for the best.

--Big buildings.  Big houses.  Wide aisles in the stores.  Lots of space to stretch out wherever you are.  Big indoors.

--Wide ranges of selections and big items.  Gallon jugs of milk!  20-can cases of pop!  Bags of flour larger than 5 lbs!  It's a cornucopia of plenty!!!

--Insulation and efficient central heating.  Seriously, NZ, you really MUST get on board with this.

1 comment:

Auntie Kathie said...

Interesting contrasts, Allie!