Saturday, May 21, 2011

Easy errands with Baby

I took Arram with me to the grocery store and some other errands today.  He's all curled up because he's asleep.  Fell asleep about ten minutes after we left the house and was OUT the whole time.  Notice that he took off one of his gumboots and held it like a teddy bear.  I tried taking it away from him but he half-woke up enough to snatch it back and cuddle it even tighter.


Dad said...

Websters ought to use this picture with it's definition of 'cuteness'.

I'm surprised that people weren't melting in the streets as you went by with your adorable little guy.

Had a bus-load of tourists happened along with cameras, you'd have never made it back!

Gypsy Girl said...

I agree. This is definitely "cute overload" worthy! I am but a puddle myself, looking at the picture.

Allie said...

He actually DID get a lot of 'awww, the sweet baaaaaaaby' looks and comments as we went about our business. I mean, come on, a sleeping toddler curled around a zoo-themed gumboot? Observers kind of have no choice in the matter but to swoon.

This is the thing about being the parent of cute kid(s): you become invisible. The kid completely eclipses anything vaguely interesting about the parent, who becomes only the mechanism of kid delivery.