Saturday, May 25, 2013

I'm not sure what I'm more scared of...

...the peppers* themselves,

or the pests in my yard that are apparently capable of nibbling on them.

*Alongside a regular sweet pepper for comparison are three Ghost Peppers, the world's hottest chili:  400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce and used in India as wild elephant repellant.


Auntie Dianne said...

So those are what ghost peppers look like. Have you tried eating them yet? As for the pests that nibbled on them... well I'd watch out for mini fire-breathing dragons...

I like your current header image: it's just the right kind of setting for those mini dragons (or other ghostly critters who couldn't survive those peppers!)

Dad said...

Well, I've seen geckos scurrying around in the back yard. Maybe they munched the peppers. They'd be a good candidate for the mini-dragons that Dianne talks about. Or what about wetas? They look tough enough to eat ghost peppers for breakfast.

Allie said...

MINI DRAGONS!!! Yes, I am now sure I have mini dragons in my backyard. I will send the boys out to hunt for them.

No, I haven't tried them... I looked at videos on Youtube of people eating them and there's like grown men crying and stuff, so I'm too scared. I don't actually know what to do with them. They're more like biological weapons than food.

I don't want to think about the implications of a weta that eats ghost peppers for lunch.

Auntie Kathie said...

Hahhaaaa! Yeah, fire breathing somethings are out there for sure!