Saturday, November 14, 2009

NOW how will we convince him to not throw tantrums?

At this morning's farmer's market, Amiri was in rare form.  Screaming, grunting, throwing himself on the ground, kicking, slapping.  The reason?  It started to rain.  At least, I think that was the reason.  One never can tell with a two year old. 

We continued on our way, because we had pita bread to buy, darn it.  I led our whining, snuffling little boy along by the hand.  A man came along to commiserate nicely, 'I remember when my son was a lad and would kick up a ruckus.'  Then another man came along and offered him a candy.  Another fellow offered him a strawberry,  As we were leaving, a lady came up and asked if he wasn't feeling well.  Said he was just gorgeous even if he was in a bad mood, and would he like some flowers?  I tried to say it wasn't necessary, but she insisted, and we took them home. Wasn't she just lovely.

(And I said NZers are nice BEFORE experiencing any of this.  This was just... wow.)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Roses? White roses? Wow! that IS nice. He's a charmer all right, even when in a bad mood. What a loveable "monster"!