Friday, February 26, 2010

Blimey, they're loud, aren't they?

By watching where the schoolkids were going, I found a shortcut for walking to work from the train station.  It cuts through some trees. 

There's not really much to watch in this video.  I just turned on my camera so that you could hear the buzzing.

When I arrived at the office I was completely sure I had just run a gauntlet lined with screeching wetas.  I shared my anxieties with the English guy down the hall who has on more than one occasion shivered and squealed at the thought of a weta dropping on him from above.   (I guess us new arrivals to NZ have something in common.)  But he assured me that he'd done an investigation, since he lives in the country and had encountered the buzzing in the trees too, and that I was safe.  They are just cicadas.  Big and creepy, yes, but not Big And Creepy.

1 comment:

Asia Citro said...

If a weta ever ever ever touched any part of my body, I would die. End of story.