Sunday, July 18, 2010

We cover our mouths when we cough

This weekend, both of our little boys were sick and miserable.   Malaise, coughing, low fevers, and all manner of drippiness.  They were both so unhappy, the poor little things.  Cuddling with Mama made it better-- Amiri wanted to be on my lap constantly, and Arram clung to me with his arms and legs like a newborn monkey with his head on my shoulder.  Basically, I was a human hot water bottle for two days.

Toward Sunday evening, they seemed to feel better and perk up a bit, stopping their moaning and even playing together a little.  We got them some fresh fruit juice from the place down the street and they loved it.

Then they got their appetites back and had a lovely dinner of toast and bananas.  Arram signed for milk.  Hopes are high for two healthy little boys tomorrow.


Mom said...

Yes, Hopes are High! So in your "Mama" resume, you can put in "human hot water bottle" as one of your talents.

How are you doing? Hope you stay healthy; mommies always do have to stay healthy.

Unknown said...

InshaAllah,tomorrow will be better.
Stay healthy & wealthy always.Love you all.

mckenzie said...

I hope that the boys are feeling better soon and that you are well. When Grandpa Doug was a young man, he always told his little sister (me) stories about good germs and bad germs when I was sick. I found it comforting.