Sunday, January 30, 2011

And here's what was so tiring about it

The great big day consisted of a party at a nearby restaurant with some of their friends from school.  It was a baby disco, meaning that the restaurant had been baby-proofed, they arranged a DJ to play the music, and it was a good way to spend those after-nap before-dinner hours.  The boys had the best fun!

Although on the way home, I asked Amiri if he enjoyed himself.  He said, "No, because Asra and Humza weren't there."


Mom said...

My heart melted when Arram took up the balloon and gave the ball to Amiri! The two brothers really did have so much fun!

Dad said...

What an exciting day they had.
Amiri has some good moves and what Arram lacks in skill, he makes up for in energy.
The ball-balloon exchange is precious too.
Thanks for sharing...this will be treasured

Gypsy Girl said...

Aww that is so sweet. I will share it with Humza. Please tell Amiri that we all miss him as well and keep watching the wedding photos and videos. Mwah and xoxoxo