Thursday, January 27, 2011

It starts out like a Hitchcock story but then not

At work we had a problem with animals getting into the space between the roof and the ceiling.  We could hear little somethings scrabbling around up there.  So the maintenance guy came and shooed the animals out-- he said some birds flew away-- and then he tacked up some screen over the hole they were getting in through.

All was fine until we heard it.  peep peep.  peep peep peep.  peep.  peep peep.  This went on all day and all of us XXs in the office were dying of worry for the left-behind birds who'd been imprisoned.  peep.

There was no good way to get up into the attic to find them, so we did the next best thing and removed the light fixture that was closest to the peeps

And once it was out a little sparrow poked his head down and looked at us.  See him there in the shadows?

We opened up the windows to try to entice him to fly away.  But he wouldn't come out.   So we decided to leave him alone and go back to work.  After a while, one of the girls came bustling in, holding something very carefully in her hands.

A bird.  A tiny little baby bird.  It had fallen out of the hole onto the floor.  She found him by the copier.  We later found his brother shivering under my desk.

It was those two babies that we had been hearing.  They'd gotten locked in because they couldn't fly away.

So we made them a little home for the day.  A box with some paper from the shredder, some water, and some bits of bread.   They were very quiet at first, but later got more active.  And without the muffling ceiling in between, they said peep peep peep.

We debated their fate all day.  They had real feathers already and were probably big enough that they could forage for themselves if we put them under a nice tree or something.  But there was the issue of cats.  We'd already rescued them once; we couldn't leave them alone with those big peeps announcing that dinner was served.

We did some investigating and it turns out there was a bird rescue just down the road.  So after work our office pets were transported to a sanctuary where they could fledge in peace.


Mom said...

What a wonderful true story with a happy ending! It is even better than the story when you rescued the baby bird at the lab at USC. Did you tell the boys? What did they think?

Allie said...

Yeah, aside from picking up nestlings I think I did more net harm than good in that bird lab.

The boys were highly curious about birds that are unable to fly. And disappointed that Mama cannot take better-quality photos of said birds.

Auntie Kathie said...

Great ending! So glad to hear that! Bet the boys loved it too! LOL