Monday, December 31, 2012

Time to brag

Here's my big boy's arts and awards.

Art at home, across a variety of media...

Creativity at school...

And at the library!

Now for the awards.  Amiri is clearly a well-rounded individual.  First is his certificate from another successful term of physical skill-building at Playball.

And here's his sticker chart from his classroom-- he gets a sticker when he's 'caught' displaying his school values, and he filled up the whole thing over the year!  He got a little ducky puzzle and some yellow mini building blocks as a prize.

And here are some excerpts from his report cards.  OH MY.  What an amazing young man we have.



McKenzie said...

Congratulations to Amiri on your many awards and accomplishments for this year! We are very proud of you. Keep up the great work at school and in your learning at home also. Have fun as you grow your brain and your physical strength also. You are a wonderful young man and a great big brother to Arram.

Auntie Dianne said...

I agree: it certainly is time to brag over the 'Amazing and Talented Amiri!'

I'm intrigued by the rainbow scarf? with his kitty in the 1st photo, and the rainbow worm in the 2nd.. but mostly by the gorgeous purple kitty painting! It would be perfect for framing and hanging up on my wall!

Keep up the good work Amiri!