Saturday, December 08, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like (anything but) Christmas

We've got our Christmas tree up.  Decorating Day was such a big event.  Amiri got properly accessorised for it.

Mom started off with the lights.  Look at the yard behind her.  Green grass, flowers falling all over themselves to bloom, itty-bitty oranges plumpening on the trees... these things are all awesome, of course (and oh-so-welcome after these last few interminably dreary months), but they just don't say 'Christmas!' to me.

But the boys don't know it any other way.  With this start in life, they'll probably always associate the for-real start of summer weather with trimming the tree.

Arram wants to give some input, darn it.

And when the tree was done, they were quite excited.

Much too excited to sit down for a dullsville family photo, that's for sure.

Hey, settle down please, young sir, over there, you.

That's better.  Merry Christmas.


McKenzie said...

Thank you for sharing your wonderful day. The tree is beautiful! Amiri and Arram did a great job (and Jeanne too). I bet Grandpa Doug and Mom Allie helped also. I know it may seem strange to have no snow or cold. However, please remember that the Baby Jesus was born in a desert. It may have been a cool night I guess.

Auntie Kathie said...

Love the smiling last photo the best but the others are fun to see!!! Thanks for sharing!!

Auntie Dianne said...

Amiri sure knows how to emphasize just how TALL and WIDE his enthusiasm is! Arram's funny haka faces are just so adorable! He is quite the comedian!

Thank you for sharing your special moments! :)